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How to change the party order?

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:21 am
by Torte

I just bought and downloaded DW and now I noticed a problem which I haven't noticed as I was playing the demo about 1 year ago.

I can't change the order of my party. Well if I get involved in a battle there is the "o"rder option, but after the battle the character is on his former position again. This is in particular annoying if it's my melee warrior on Nr.1 was killed and after reanimating he always stays behind my mages at position 7 or 8 in every fight. :roll:

The "o"rder option seems only to work during combat and I found nothing by studying the pdf manuals which allows changing the order so far. Is there another option to change the party's order instead of letting also the other characters die until you have the right order again? :shock:

I have installed the windows version with the offical patch without the beta patches.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:43 am
by origen
This is based solely on my memory, but...

You can R"T"FM...

Or you can press T

Or you can press Shift-T

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:04 am
by Torte
origen wrote: You can R"T"FM...
Sorry, I can't figure out what does - R"T"FM... - mean?

Pressing "T" or "Shift+T" only opens a window for trading items, weapons and such stuff between the party members.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:41 am
by hafen
It means "Read the f***ing manual". Not very friendly to newbies. And Torte´s right. It won´t work. :evil: I´ve found another way to solve this. Not still the best but it works.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:09 am
by Torte
Thanks hafen. At least now I know what RTFM means. ^^

Well as I said above I already studied the mannual and searched the pdf manuals for keywords like "order", "party" "re-arrange" etc. , but there is nothing more mentioned than the "o"rder option during the combat. And this works in the way I already described above...

Guess you have to carefully RT"M"FM yoself and what other people are posting, too, origin . ^^


If it doesn't work to re-arange the party outside the adventure guild in a proper way, I already loose any interest in playing the game at all. Walking for hours way back to the adventures guild only to establish the right order again because someone died is simply rediculous. That worked already better 20 years ago in Bard's Tale 1. ^^

Sorry, but after buying this title and the not very friendly RTFM advice newbies can expect in this forum if they have questions I'm very disappointed. At time I see no reason to recommend this game to someone else anymore what I died since I first heard of this project...

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 3:15 pm
by dragonbait
Torte: If you want to assign a new order to your team, you will need to do it when you are NOT in battle. Using the t key will trade the party positions between 2 people. And if you want to rearrange your whole team hit shift-t

If you rearange your order during battle the arrangement will only last for the duration of the battle.

Don't give up on DW yet. It's a really great game.


Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:31 pm
by Torte
Hm , thank you Dragonbait.

Maybe there is a problem with my keyboard or with a foreigen keyboard-layout (here German) if used in DW. Pressing - Shift+"any Key" - doesn't seem to work incide the game. Even the leading letters of the first names and surnames of my party members are displayed with small characters. I tried several times to type them correctly, but after the 4th try I thought , who cares? But if this has consequences for the entire game then it's a more serious matter.

In general the "Shift" function seems to work, otherwise I couldn't explain, why I'm able to write with BIG letters with "Shift" here in the forum...


I know hafen, the one who also answered above. He bought the boxed version of DW and I guess he has a German keyboard layout as well. He told me that he can give his characters correct names starting with big letters, but the "Shift+T" function to re-arrange his party doesn't work too.


Only pressing "t" allows me to change the position between two members of the party as Dragonbite explained. Well, now I can go on playing. Thank you for your help. ^^


Sorry origen you were right. It was really mentioned in the manual, but nevertheless some functions doesn't seem to work as it has been intended, at least not on all systems.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:47 am
by origen
Shift T and T work fine in my game, so perhaps it is the different keyboard layout.

And the reason for the RTFM comments to newbies is because most of the questions asked can be answered by simply reading the manual. As you can imagine for most people, getting asked the same question repeatedly by different newbies when the answer is in the manual gets annoying. Nothing personal.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:35 am
by hafen
As Torte already said. Must be due to the german keyboard layout. And I´m not offended or p***d off. I know and understand yer reasons, Origen.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 5:36 pm
by Meanwhile
Just out of curiosity, did you find a key that works like the shift key in addition to hitting the T key so you could re-arrange the whole party? on your german keyboards? Or are only able to do the t switching 2 people at a time? :?:

And I agree with dragonbait. The Devil Whiskey kicks Major Butt! and kicks General Discussion too! :wink:

"Beware he's Possessed to skate!"

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:33 pm
by Growler
Let's all jest be thankful that......well, I'm sure Someone clever can think of a valid raison 2B greatfool..

Besides: a reel, live RTFM from Origen the Mod(est) God should make a new bee proud!!

It's like a friendly pat on the rear from the pope.. :?

A thick (butt knot necessarily scaly) hide helps.

Btw, I recall having some issues (with my U.S. basic/standard) keyboard when it came to CAPitalization of Char names.. seems it may have been related to one of the patches?

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:18 pm
by dragonbait
It's like a friendly pat on the rear from the pope..
Of course i think a friendly pat on the rear from the pope these days would get the church another lawsuit. They should just shut down close down all religious buiildings and declare a ban on religion. Religion kills. 8)

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:21 pm
by dragonbait
I kind of liked being a Nomad. But i'm not so sure about being an Orker. It just doesn't have the same sound as Nomad. It's more vulgar. :(

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:10 pm
by Growler
Yep, Nomad pulls ya in, than WHAMO!

ye get converted (sans religiosity) n2 an ORKER :shock:

Only way up. Postally-speaking..

So post up! :wink:

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:59 am
by Torte
@ meanwhile

Shift+t or any other key combination I tried like CTRL+t etc. doesn't bring the desired effect. But at least the simple "t" works.