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Searching the Arcanium

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 4:25 pm
by dragonbait
I've been searching the Arcanium for answers to the tests in the Mage's Tower. While finding the answer to the first Test fairly easily, I have now gone through every book in the Legends section of the Arc looking for the name of the snake whose belly encompases the oceans. And these frigging things are so long to go through it's driving me insane :evil: or at least more insane than i was before. And all this while being kicked out of the arcanium for closing time 3 times already :evil: I'm working my way through the History section now. Got through the first book but nothing yet. I think i'm going to have to leave it for another day. I wonder also how many more tests there are in the Mage tower that require searching through the dusty books in the arcanium?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 7:14 pm
by origen
This may be considered cheating by some, but the arcanium is just based on text files, so you can just find the folder they are located in, and read them at your convienence.

Or, not that I would do such a thing, do a system search for what you are looking for with the text docs in that folder. :wink:

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 7:20 pm
by dragonbait
OK. I'd recommend anyone needing to find information from the arcanium to go to your devil whiskey folder and access the arcanium folder and view the files that way, or print them out instead of manually scrolling down line by line in the arcanium itself. The first Mage Tower question is easy to find but i'm still searching for the answer for the second question (the name of the great snake who's belly encompassed the oceans. I've been through everything in the arcanium files now so if it was there i must have been blind. I've posted in the spoiler section if anyone knows where to get the answer. 8)

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 1:06 pm
by Meanwhile
I haven't gotten to the Mage tower yet but i'll keep the text files in mind when i have to get info at the arcanium. good to know. :wink:

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:10 pm
by Growler
this could b a clew:

grate snakes may go by many names.. :wink:

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:12 pm
by dragonbait
gotta get back to you on that one.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:08 pm
by dragonbait
It figures cause it never occured to me to go back and look through the first book. (the one with the answer to the first question) Oh well, nothing like going through all the rest of the books in the arcanium when the answer was in the first book that i checked out originally. I made things harder than the actually were. At least i have the answer now. 8)