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'nuther new player

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:11 pm
by s777
I just bought the full version of the game. Tried for the Linux one, but alas got bit by the python 2.4 vs 2.2 issue (getting 2.2 onto a modern system seemed like a big PITA) so I am regrettably running the Windows game. But it works fine.

Great stuff so far. Not perfect, but very good, and satisfies my nostalgia for BT, which I played back in the day. Been having a ton of fun with DW so far. Heck, the gameplay beats the crap out of a lot of more "modern" RPGs.

Here's some newbie questions & comments:

* My rogue is admitedly not so bright (IQ 13), but I don't think he's spotted a single trap yet, and he's up to lvl 20 now. Should he be? I have to cast Cthonic Warning if I want any chance at all of spotting traps before setting them off.

* I've been crafting bronze arrows, since the shops have run out of all types of arrows. This works OK, but man, it's a big pain :). Any easier way to go about it? Getting 4 chars a stack of 200 arrows each takes several eons. You have to indivually buy components (can't buy a stack at once), as many as your chars can carry, then go on a huge spree of crafting, which often fails. It's all rather tedious with lots of mindless button pushing. Would be nice to be able to say, "hey, here's 40 of each component - just go craft them all at once."

* Any way to know when CTWA and similar effects have gone away? I don't see an icon for it, nor is it listed in the character pages, that I can see.

* The AI sometimes seems... less than brilliant in the face of ranged fire. I notice this with various types of rogues, but also with some other melee creatures. They'll stand there at 40 ft, popping in and out of shadows, getting cut down by a withering field of arrow fire, never actually coming close enough to damage me. Not real bright, these rogues. :)

* Would be nice to be able to review the battle record after each round, like with a scrollbar or some such. Right now, after the battle finishes, boom, it's gone, and AFAIK you can't go back to see something important if you missed it.

* I had to consult the forms to find the Dark Woman. Maybe I'm a bit dim, but the hint on here whereabouts had me looking outside, a few steps from the castle. I didn't know if she'd appear there, or what. It didn't occur to me to go looking inside buildings for her, since somehow in my mind the interior of buildings didn't quality as a few steps from the castle.

* Are poison arrows worth it?

* After clearing out an area, do I need to retain the key used to access it? Seems a shame to chew up the inventory space...

* Is it correct that one cannot visit any of the cities on the map on page 5 of the docs, except for Rennibister?

That's it for now I suppose. Great oldschool RPG here. Much good fun. Creature pictures are top notch. It's sort of what BT is in my memory, although in reality even the 'miggy version didn't have gfx as nice as this :)

Now if someone will just make an updated Arctic Fox...

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:38 pm
by ktd
Great to have some fresh winds in the forum :) Im new myself though i have the full version for more than a year.

1) Never played a rogue, but my bard detects traps from time to time, isnt luck the attribute that detecs traps? Not sure...

2) Im trying to take every single arrow with me that the fiersome monsters drop. This way it satisfies my need of my single ranger.

3) CTWA? No idea.

4) Its not the AI... They just learned nothing else in their lifes :P

5) Unfortunately i dont think theres a way to analyze the battle after it finishes.

6) Most of the time the game gives you enough clue to solve the riddles for yourself, except some few buggy parts where you are lost without this forums.

7) Never tried them.

8) If you want go into that dungeon again, maybe for some arrows :D or other stuff you cannot get elsewhere, it might be a good idea to keep the key. But you can always create a dummy char and give them all your "for now useless stuff".

9) Never found them... but you know... the wilderness is quite endless and its up to some smart guys to fill the holes with life. Think it was intended to be this way that some smart modders can do it but it never happened.

Somehow i have the feeling BT was alot harder but DW is fun nevertheless, really enjoying it from time to time :)

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:43 am
by s777
Thanks for the reply - I did not think about making a mule character, but it's a good idea.

I think you are right, BT was generally a harder game. But still this is fun so far, and I really should go crank up the difficulty to see what difference that makes.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:07 am
by s777
I just tried the difficulty setting (only for a few minutes), and it seems like it increases the frequency of encounters, but not their difficulty. I'd prefer instead if it kept encounters happening about as often, but made each one harder :)

But then, I'm not very far into the game yet, so maybe it'll get harder later on. Right now, I never really feel like there's much risk. Even the ending fight in the catecombs was not much of a problem (that's as far as I've got so far).

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 5:23 am
by origen
Good to see some new blood. :twisted:

Anyway, I don't think there was an intention of putting more cities in the wilderness, but I think the picture was just there for informational purposes. It is a little misleading, but as mentioned, perhaps a modding opportunity.

There is really no way to have arrows be crafted any quicker. If you edit the items file that comes with the toolkit, you can have the arrows be crafted in larger bunches, but you would lose out on important items later in the game which are not included in the items file.

I never used any arrows other than regular arrows, so I can't speak about them. But there is some Throwin Hammer in the Store (I think it is Mutoc's, or something like that) that is pretty effective, and you only need 1.

I usually just walk right into traps, and heal later. None of them is really that deadly, so I didn't use any spells to help find them.

There is no way to review the battle after it is done, and I really wouldn't expect to get it anytime soon. It is a nice feature, but there are still bugs that aren't even being worked on, so I doubt that new features will be implemented.

I found everything I needed in the game, such as the Dark Woman and such. I don't remember the instructions, so they may be vague, but most events happen inside a house.

There is no need to retain the key unless you plan on going back. So either sell it, have someone else hold it, etc. If you equip it, I believe you can have up to 5 Misc items equipped, and it doesn't affect the number of non-equiped items, so I didn't find it to be an issue.

Now that you have some info, start modding. :D

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:18 pm
by Meanwhile
The more battles the more experience. The more experience the higher level you get to and the further along in the dungeons you get the more usefull more numerous battles become. :twisted: :P