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Wilderness Map

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:23 pm
by Thomas
I was hoping that someone out there has a wilderness (such as it is) map that includes all of the current items of interest from the various mods. I've looked all over this site and others and can't find a thing.

If I were to create a mod (which is really looking tempting), then where can I put it on the map? Is there the possibility that it would overlap other mods if I do?

I was thinking, honestly, the map needs a new city. Say, one dedictated to Orks... I'm a big Legend of the 5 Rings fan and the City of the Lost is my idea. It could be a base for other kinds of adventures... :twisted:

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:56 pm
by dragonbait
Hi Thomas,

Well you would need to download the Megamod. You can view the Megamod's files to see where each event is located on the Wilderness file. KSS is currently working on a new mod which he says he will be releasing soon, so ideally once he releases his mod, the Megamod can be re-released again to contain KSS's Druid's challenge and KSS's version of Origen's Temple of the Elements mod, and then you could download that new version and add your mod on top of that and the Megamod could then have another new release which includes your mod. Might want to doublecheck with KSS to see if/when he will be releasing his updates. Good luck on your DW modding. It's a blast once you get into it.