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Looking to buy

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:20 am
by mackeruk
Lo all :)

I am a old rpger played bards tale 1 2 3 on the specy 48k hehe i just found Devil whiskey the other day when i was playing bards tale 1 on a emulator etc (thinking about the good ole days ) I dl the demo and would really like to get the full game I live in the UK how would i go about getting the full game please I have paypal


Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:30 pm
by mackeruk
Does anyone come here anymore ? lol

Could anyone advise me on getting this game ?

Also i have been playing the demo but it crashes on windows 7 even with all updated drivers etc and using different compatibility options Also tried the same with Windows XP but i still get the same error basically the game just boots me to the desktop then i get the windows error this program has stop working blah blah

If i manage to get the full version will this keep happening ?

Taking a Stab

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:51 am
by slackmg
There are a few people running around here. Not sure I can help much, since I'm fairly new here.

Back a couple of years ago when I picked up the game, it seemed it was only available in a box (not downloadable) from this site: Not sure if it can be shipped international, but is worth trying. You might be able to e-mail him also to see if there are other options.

Not sure I can help with the crashes. I've ran DW on both XP, Vista (briefly) and Win7 (full edition with megamod applied) and didn't have many problems I can remember. I do believe, like a lot of older games, that under Vista/Win7, you need to install it anywhere but in program files. I normally install into a Games folder.

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:10 am
by mackeruk
Thx for the reply i did email decklin on ebay and ask him if he can ship to the UK but no reply atm.

I will try moving the demo out of the program files to another location.

Thx again :)

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:56 am
by chaney
Any luck yet?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:42 am
by mackeruk
Yeah working fine now from the desktop and i ordered the full game from decklin on ebay :)

So i just have to sit and wait now lol

btw any good tips guides about for DW pls :)

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:48 am
by chaney
I don't know about a specific walkthru or cheat sheets, but is one of the players(dragonbait), and he has just about everything on his site about DW, including player mods.

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:03 am
by mackeruk
Yeah i was checking that site out the other day i might get that mod when my copy arrives.

I dont think that site has any maps guides etc for DW but i will try that mod out for sure :)

thx chaney

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:52 am
by chaney
U dont really need one. It has auto mapping, and the forum can answer any questions if u get stuck

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:09 pm
by mackeruk
Well my game arrived today :) But it keeps crashing just like the demo did when i fight any ideas why ?

All my drivers are up to date etc i am using windows 7 ultimate and i have tried all the compat admin stuff on the exe file but no matter what i do it keeps randomly crashing when i fight.

The game is install on my desktop because last time i had it installed in program files (which i thought fixed the problem )

Ps i am a bit of game geek with setting etc so if someone could maybe shred some lihgt i would be very grateful



Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:45 pm
by chaney
well, for starters, did u install the latest patches, which are available on the icestorm9999 site?
There were a number of crash issues with combat fixed with the patches, especially the ogre pic.
If so, write on here, and we will see what we can come up.
I run it on Windows 7 with no issues-it was made b4 windows 7.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 5:18 pm
by mackeruk
Yeah i went and dl the patch from icestorms site after i made the above post seems to be working fine atm just played for about 2 hours and np :) so fingers crossed

btw Chaney whats the first thing to do in game i am just running around killing mobs atm and am not sure where and what i should be doing ? i read the manual but i am still clueless lol

Also could u explain how to craft etc

Thx again for the fast reply Chaney :)

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 5:39 pm
by dragonbait
Hi Mackeruk,

Eventually after you kick in some doors ala Bard's Tale-like, the Rennibister Guards will confront you and be mighty upset at your burglarizing. Then you will start getting notes dropped to you from various sources with instructions on where to go and whom to find. I don't know exactly what point you are in the game but you want to take a stroll down to Hooters. or however they spell it in the game. You'll meet some people in the South-Eastern section of the town, and one in the West, and then Yoda. Too much Devil Whiskey you've had! No. Maybe I've said too much.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:10 pm
by mackeruk
lol thx for the info

Not sure about kicking the doors in like bards i dont seem to find any fights when i enter the doors in town i just hear a funny voice in the distance and a message saying something like the guards look at you ? I have just been trying to lvl my guys atm got them to about lvl 15 i think So basically am just moving around the town map killing then lvling then going shopping and using the odd tavern and saving alot lol)

Ps enjoying the game so takes me back to Bards hehe


Update : went to the south east area like u said and found the old man with a quest so am down in the dungeon having fun now hehe cheers

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:41 am
by chaney
once u hit lvl 13, u can start crafting. There are recipes is the manual, as well as on the forums. They make things a lot more fun.