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Depetrify Bugged in v2.0?

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:53 am
by Fates
Is there something wrong with user cast Depetrify? I get a success cast message but the player status still shows STONE and in combat afterwards the game responds that player is stone press a key.

Is this fixed in any of the patches, and if so will it mess up my save file... I'm currently in the old mage tower and would prefer to to start over.


Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:05 am
by chaney
Don't remember that bug in 2.0, so can't comment on that. 2.0 did have plenty of other bugs. You can always go to the temple for healing. I would not recommend using a 2.0 saved game with the patches. For one thing, they changed the level up xp system. You are far along in the game, but since you are using 2.0, you probably aren't playing the game with the all of the player mods installed. The player mods made the game a ton more enjoyable, and one of them (RT's Tales of the North) is the equal of the game in my opinion. Personally, I would start a new game with the Megamod patch, but that is me.