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Using Plot Scripts

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:33 pm
by origen
I created a Wineskin, which can be used to get a drink while in a dungeon, refreshing Bard Points. Well, it is supposed to refresh the Bard Points, but the current game engine does not work for that command yet.

Anyway, I set the item up to use Plot 52, with 10 charges. I then set my script as

If I just place the script in a location in town, it works fine. But, if I use the item, nothing happens.

Did I miss something?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:15 pm
by Rickstavern
change the script name to

When you use the item with plot number xx it will look for a script with the corresponding number based on the pattern above.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 10:30 pm
by Growler
Cool idea, O-man! :P

That one wino addition compels me to try a Bard for a charge..I mean, a change.

But ye must be kicking yerself all over town about now.. :lol:..

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:55 am
by origen
Wow, that was pretty careless on my part. Once I read your post, I remembered about the item scripts.


Well, that should make the wineskins work now, as well as the Harmonic Gems. Although, it may be diffiuult to find a Harmonic Gem in a BT1 mod.

Difficult, but not impossible. :wink:

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:04 am
by origen
The wineskins may not be the best reason to try the bard...

But the Fire Horn is a pretty good reason.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 12:44 pm
by origen
Okay. By using the correct script name, I am able to use the wineskin. Of course, whenever you take a drink from it, it does not decrease the number of uses, despite being set up with only 10 uses.

These seem to be "Magic Wineskins", because no matter how much you drink, you never run out.

I thought about setting up flags, but that would only allow you to use any wineskin a certain number of times, since the flag would be in the script, and the item will use the same script for every instance of that item.

Any thoughts?

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:15 pm
by Growler
Go with 'Magic' Wineskins?

btw, the Fire Horn sounds (rim-shot) cool (rim-shot duo) :P

Any other enticing tidbits?

Magic whine

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:30 pm
by Ziusudra
If you give us magic wineskins, I think (well, I pretend to think) that it might be good if they showed up after encountering some action. I dunno--maybe killing some really heavy-duty monster, but before goin' even deeper into deep doo-doo?

If they're too common, heck--that's one of the things that can weaken a game. It's like the Elder Scrolls games, where after a while everyone can have a first-class magical [fill in the blank], rather than what seems to be rare magical items being, well, rare.

But then what do I know? (No, don't answer.)

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:44 pm
by origen
Well, if the wineskins do not work properly, then there won't be any wineskins at all. But, I will work on that issue at a later time.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:36 pm
by ShadoKnight
Thinking about it... there probably isn't a way to do charges in a scripted item as the engine stands (there's nothing directly applicable, and I can't off-hand figure a creative method that would work well). It shouldn't be hard, however, for the developers to add accessor methods to twiddle the 'charge' count that the item maintains (so you can first check if any charges remain, then if they do, do your thing and reduce the count).