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Help out with some modding

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 11:56 am
by origen
Well, I am bored, so I thought that we should have some contest, if anyone is interested.

Since there are some new people on these boards, and there is some semi-regular activity, maybe we should have a simple modding contest.

Here are some ideas that I have for a basic map.

1. To keep all things even, only standard Devil Whiskey items/monsters/images should be used.
2. The map should be only 1 level, but it can be as large as you want.
3. It should be for a beginning level party.
4. The overall gameplay for the map should take an hour or less.

What you will have to do for this is create a custom level, using customized scripts. Other than these rules, it should be pretty open ended.

My thoughts behind this is to hopefully get some people to do a little bit of modding, and perhaps if enough things are made, the devs may decide to fix some things.

Since this would be (hopefully) the first of many, and some people are unsure of how to script things, we should probably give until Saturday, September 16th at 11:59 pm for all mods to be completed. In the spirit of competition, I (and hopefully some other modders) will be willing to help out with any mapping or scripting issues that may be encountered.

The completed mods should be pretty small in size, as you would only have to include the map and script files, so they can be uploaded to a Geocities (or similar) page.

We would also have to decide upon judges, but at this point, I would rather people make mods then just say they will be judges.

So, is anyone interested in this?

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:34 pm
by Rickstavern
Would be fun to try, but I might need longer than couple weeks depending upon work.

If this is kept simple enough then we can easily assemble all submitted modifications into a mod-contest expansion pack.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:50 pm
by origen
Well, the deadline was just a guideline. If we get more of a response, we can see about expanding it.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:00 pm
by chaney
Well, I don't know squat about modding(or punking for that matter), but I know how to be a beta tester, if that would be of any use. :?

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 2:02 pm
by origen
Well, there is enough support on these forums to at least try it out!!

Step 1 is to download the Toolkit from Rennibister Hall. It contains some basic tutorials, although you will only need to focus on the Map and Scripting Tutorials for this one.

Also, I wrote a thread on some basic map making.

At least give it a try. :D

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:55 pm
by Growler
Hmm, was About to check numero 4 (indicating admitting pre-defeat 2 O-man da Manifique) when noticed the 5th option.. not sure what it said but it had a very bad aura. :evil:

Pollish Options aside, it's a great idear & seems wise to restrict it for simplicity's sake.

Origen, where's that tutorial thread you started?

I've finally dug up the doc where I cut'n'pasted from your tutorial thread & then modified (ha!) it for my own clarity & visual order/alignment, etc.

Anyone who wants it just PM me & I'll email it.. (think DragonBait already ax'd fur it?)

Not sure I'll have time, but will try to conjur up a mod by the deadheadline. 8)

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:13 am
by origen
Here is the link for the tutorial I did:

I figured it would be good to start simple in the hopes of getting a lot of people involved. If this works out as well as I would hope, then as we move forward, the mods will get bigger and more complex, as people (hopefully) begin to feel more comfortable.

And, of course, the deadline is up to negotiation.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:49 pm
by Growler
Practically excellent notion. And thanks for the link.

How 'bout some add'l tips ye've learned the hard weigh?

Don't you use a spreadsheet prog to help create your map files? Maybe you could whip up a simple one to share with the script-kiddies?

Any tools/shortcuts welcome! :P

Too illiterate myself

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:27 am
by Ziusudra
Growlers can't read, but Ziusudras can't mod. I might, if I studied the modding threads, learn to do something, but it would be pretty lame if I did it before school starts back. I'm useless, but would love to see what anyone spins out 'round here.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 10:42 am
by Rickstavern
Growler wrote: Don't you use a spreadsheet prog to help create your map files? Maybe you could whip up a simple one to share with the script-kiddies?

100% graph paper!

I use form 4A. It's large enough that you can scribble in notes. I have to be able to visualize the layout in order to make it work, so no spreadsheets for me.

I'll be watching this thread and will help whenever I can. Just ask if you need the help.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:01 pm
by origen
Here is one of Growler's posts of various DW stuff, and I believe my map spreadsheet is included in there.

Most of what I do I explained in the tutorial, but I first get it down on graph paper (it is alot easier to see that way), and then I convert the cells one at a time.

I was hoping to see some of the newer members try to get into the modding, but so far not much luck.

Well, I am going to begin to work on my mod over the weekend. As we get closer to the date, we will consider extending it, if necessary. Hopefully a few people get some inspiration out of this.

mod contest etc.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:51 pm
by troysterling
Hello DW forum - it's been a while.

I'd love to help with any mod's in the audio/music dept. If you are not familiar with my music, examples can be heard at

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:43 am
by origen
Why don't you try making a mod yourself? Then, you can add your custom music to give everyone an example of how it would look in game.

It is really not that difficult, and you really don't need to have any programming experience.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:25 am
by chaney
Growler, I followed the link to the tutorial and you mentioned that you were going to post a completed version with everyones input of the tutorial somewhere. Have you done that? If so, where? It would make life easier to have 1 doc that we could just print out or at least do electronic searches on. Thanx

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:22 pm
by origen
Well, according to the poll, there are at least 4 people who are willing to give this a shot. So, I will declare the competition to have officially begun. I will currently serve as the moderator for this competition, to help keep everything centralized.

We will extend the due date to October 1st at 11:59 pm. I will once again post the rules here.

1. To keep all things even, only standard Devil Whiskey items/monsters/images should be used.
2. The map should be only 1 level, but it can be as large as you want.
3. It should be for a beginning level party.
4. The overall gameplay for the map should take an hour or less.

What you will have to do for this is create a custom level, using customized scripts. Other than these rules, it should be pretty open ended.

Whoever will be competing should just let me know so I can help keep track, and provide some support as necessary. My e-mail and PM information is included in my profile.

As we get closer to the due date, I will assign judges who will help us determine our winner.

Don't be shy about submitting something, even if you have no experience.