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the PicMake program

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:46 pm
by dragonbait
OK so i've tried out the picmake program. I created a jpg file that is 500x400. then used my Crimson editor to create a config file that has the following info.

Code: Select all

Section main
 name bw_monolith
 image bwmonolith.jpg
 picfile pics/other/bwmonolith.pic
 RegionCount 0
End Section
went into the command prompt, changed the directory to the pictures folder and entered the following

picmake bwmonolith.pic bwmonolith.jpg bwmonolith.cfg 2

It created a pic file, but when trying to use the pic in my mod it doesn't display. I tried changing the 2 at the end of the line to a 1 and then created a new pic file. Still nothing. the pic file is in the pics/other directory and I put the config file in with the other config files in the map folder since I couldn't find any other place where config files were held and none of the other config files that are listed have any relation to picture files. Do I even need to keep the config file after the pic file has been created? if anyone has used this program and has any tips would be appreciated. Thanks.

One last thing that I will try is viewing the
listpics picindex.dat

to see if my pic shows up on the list and what it's nickname is. It should be bw_monolith which is listed in the config file and is what i've been using. But i'll doublecheck after i get out of work tonight.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:22 pm
by dragonbait
the pic file doesn't show up on the list after typing listpics picindex.dat so there must be something i'm doing wrong, or an additional step that I don't know about. so close but so far away. hmmm.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:39 am
by origen
You didn't run the prompt correctly. Try this.

1. Copy your picindex file from the data folder into the toold/pictures folder. This will ensure that you have the latest version.
2. From the command line, you must use the following format:
<output file>: Output filename for compiled pic file
<index file>: File name of the picture index file
<input config>: File name of input configuration file
[reduction factor]: Value of [1,2,4,8,16] indicating the amount
of reduction requested for the small version
of the image. A value of '1' indicates that
the small version should be the same as the
full-sized version. Default is '2' (i.e.,
a 500x400 image will be reduced to 250x200)
So, for you it will be picmake bwmonolith.pic picindex.dat bwmonolith.cfg

You can leave off the 2 from the end, since it is the default value.

3. Copy the picindex file back to your data files.

That should take care of it.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:05 pm
by dragonbait
awesome! that fixed it. :D